
Thursday, November 10, 2022

An Unexpected Discovery

I signed up for the Mile A Day challenge. The goal is to walk outside for one mile for fifty days. It is, I believe, an international program with participants from the United States and Canada.

One mile a day - that should be easy enough. I was placed on a team with about 40 other participants. On the app I discovered that there was a "leaderboard," and that some participants were walking two, three, four and more miles each day! Being very competive, I decided I needed to step it up and began walking at least three miles, or more, even doing seven miles in one day, just to increase my standings on that leaderboard. (I never knew I could walk seven miles in a day!)

A few days ago I decided to walk on a nearby dead end road. I had never before walked or driven to the end of that road.There never was any reason to. To my surprise, at the end of the road was public access to a nature trail. I never knew it was there, and it is just one mile from where I live! 

If it were not for the Mile a Day Challenge, I may never have discovered that this trail was here.

It's a rather lengthy, winding trail. I did not take it to the end because I did not know where it was leading. However, I emailed one of my walking friends about it. I hope to meet her there before long so that both of us can enjoy walking this trail together. 

(Oh, and the last I checked, I was #1 on the leaderboard for our team! Challenge accepted and met! 😎 )

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Falling Down and Getting Up Again

Our grandson was learning to ice skate. He kept falling on the ice. He was very, very discouraged. Then our daughter signed him up for ice hockey with 6, 7, and 8 year-olds.

"What?! Ice hockey? He can barely stand up on skates! How is he going to be able to play?" I was doubtful.

Our daughter tells me that one of the first things the coach taught them was about falling. Falling and getting up again. So our grandson looked around and he saw that everyone was falling on the ice. And they were getting up. It was an "eye-opener" for him. To fall isn't such a bad thing after all. In fact, to fall and get up again is good. This was a turning point for him. And he continued to improve.

So over the weekend I had the opportunity for the first time to see him play. Yes, he fell, but he got up and continued playing. AND, he scored his very first goal! To see his joy and the smile on his face really touched my heart. 

I came home from that game feeling newly energized and motivated. Our grandson showed me perseverance, even through discouragement. And he showed me that much that can be achieved when we don't give up, even when we fall. And we can do more than we think we can.

So yesterday I went for a walk. A slow walk, but a long one. I hoped to go for at least 4 miles. I kept thinking of our grandson and his perseverance and his joy. And I kept going. I walked for over 5 miles! I can do more than I think I can.

Not only that, but I actually watched an NHL ice hockey game on TV for the first time and enjoyed it. I kept thinking about our grandson on the ice.

From our children and grandchildren, we can be inspired, motivated, and learn new insights. 


Saturday, October 08, 2022

An Autumn Walk with Stella

The lingering warm autumn days are to be savored. A long cold winter is before us. I'm especially enjoying walks these days with our minnie beagle Stella. 

Mad River in Waitsfield, Vermont is a favorite destination. 

We enjoy the trails near the river, and those that lead to the rocky shores of the river.

Waitsfield and the Mad River - a beautiful place to be in all seasons.

Stella, we need to plan a another trip here after the first snowfall!

Saturday, July 09, 2022

A Farmers' Market and a Nature Trail

One of the things I like best about where we live is that we are never far from a recreation path or a nature trail.

Yesterday we went to a Farmers' Market in the next town where there were many vendors, entertainment, and a lot of people.

I decided to explore the area. Not far from the Farmers' Market I discovered a trail I had not seen before. I wondered where it would lead.

As I walked along, I noticed that there were paths people had taken to the river that was alongside the trail.

I continued along the main path.

The path led between the river and the field.


Rather than walking on, I turned back to return to the Farmers' Market (and a huge oatmeal berry bar I bought at one of the stands).

I'm feeling grateful to live in such a beautiful state and one with so many Farmers' Markets to enjoy each summer. This is an easy trail I look forward to walking again.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

It's Hot! To the Beach or to the Woods?

The other day it was 91 degrees F. I wasn't able to get to the beach, so I took a walk in the woods. Actually, it was a nature trail off the local recreation path.

I crossed a bridge over the brook to get to the trail.

No doubt there were crowds at the beach, but I only met 2 other people while I was hiking in the woods. So still, so peaceful, so cool.


A favorite place to be, especially on a warm summer day.

I invite you to check out my newest blog: Resolutions. Thank you!

Saturday, June 11, 2022

What a Glorious Day in June!

Today was one of those perfect Vermont June days, with the temperature in the mid-70's, and bright sunshine after a few days of light rain.

It was just after 3 PM when I went for an easy run on the recreation path. I was coming home over the neighborhood bridge when I stopped to take a few photos. This one is my favorite.

  What a glorious day!

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Kitchen Scraps Gardening

Celery was my first attempt at "kitchen scraps gardening."

I don't use celery often, but I do like to have it on hand  to add to various dishes. Sometimes - when I go to use it - I find it's already beginning to go bad in the refrigerator.

When I heard about growing celery in a planter, it sounded like a fun project. So I bought organic celery and removed the stalks so I had only the tender heart of the celery and the base. I kept it in water until it grew roots.

I planted the rooting stalk in topsoil in a flower pot. It didn't take long until there were new tender stalks and celery leaves.

Whenever I need celery for added flavor in soup or any other dishes, I can clip what I need. The plant keeps growing.

I began an outdoor "kitchen scraps garden." I will be adding celery to the green onions, carrot tops, garlic, sprouting potatoes, and buttercup lettuce that is growing there now. 

This is an easy project, and celery is quite an attractive green plant, indoors or outdoors.

Happy Gardening!

I invite you to check out my newest blog Resolutions. Thank you!

Friday, May 13, 2022

At the Old Red Mill Park, Again

It was a quick stop. We had just finished lunch with friends at J-Cat across the road. "Let's go to the park," our friend said.

The Old Red Mill Park in Jericho is one of my favorite places. There's a one-half mile trail through a wooded area that loops along the Browns River. We didn't hike the trail today, but we enjoyed the scenery where it begins.

Ferns growing in a wetland area.

There are a lot of huge rocks in the river with the waters flowing over them. 

Of course, there is the old mill, now housing an historical museum, including the Snowflake Bentley Exhibit. 

Just stopping here even for a short time today reminds me that I must return
soon, and to hike the loop.

What a beautiful day in Vermont today to spend with good friends.

(Looking back on my posts, I see that I took photos and wrote about
coming here in 2012: The Old Mill Park. Ten years ago! And several
visits since.) 
Happy Springtime!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

It Feels LIke Summer

It's Spring, but it sure feels like summer today! I think it's finally safe to put away the boots and bring out the sandals.

Geo and I have been walking on our local recreation path.

After a long winter,
it's good to see the trees
leafing out again.

Warm Spring days hold the promise of many more pleasant Summer warm days ahead. 

I'm feeling very grateful for a change of seasons, and for many rec path walks ahead of us.   ðŸ˜Š 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

My First Acrylic Abstract Painting

My paint brushes are sitting in a corner, and they have been staring at me for months. Today I decided to put them to use. I looked at a youtube video about abstract painting techniques. It looked so easy, so I thought I'd try it.

1. Place painter's tape over the canvas.

2. Drop acrylic paint inside the different sections. Use the brush to dab and blend the colors together.

3. Remove the tape, There's the abstract painting.

HOWEVER, I did not like the finished product. So I added step 4.

4. Fill in the unpainted canvas with paint, dabbing and blending. 

And there it is! 

"Acrylic Abstract Number One"

(I invite you to check out my newest blog: Resolutions.
Thank you!)

Monday, April 18, 2022

How to Grow a Coleus Garden

Last year I planted a Coleus. To my amazement, it thrived and became a huge, very attractive plant. I decided I wanted a whole garden of coleus.

This past winter I started Coleus plants in an aerogarden. Coleus seeds come pre-planted in pods that are placed in the aerogarden container filled with water. A grow light is on a timer. Just keep the container filled with water and watch the plants grow.

This becomes...


Here one of the plants is flowering and going to seed. (Behind it is dill I am growing in the same Aerogarden.)

When the plants are fully grown, (reluctantly - because they are so pretty) I cut them down to root the stems in water. I will continue clipping them and rooting them so I will have many plants.

All my new plants that have grown roots in the water will go into my new Coleus garden. Hopefully they will be as beautiful as the one plant I had last year.

I invite you to read my newest blog Resolutions. Thank you for following. 

Happy Gardening!

Saturday, April 02, 2022

The Lipstick Plant

A few years ago I was in a neighbor's home when I noticed a vibrant plant inside near the entrance. It had red blossoms. I had never seen a plant like that before, so I asked my neighbor about it.

"That's a lipstick plant. It's easy to grow. Would you like a few cuttings?"

She offered to root a few cuttings in water for me and bring them over when they were ready to plant. A few weeks later she was at my home with the cuttings.

I planted and then watered them lightly. She had said to me, "They don't like their feet wet," meaning, "Do not over-water."

My few cuttings grew quickly into a full-size plant. 
It's one of my most attractive houseplants.

I sometimes cut a few vines and put them in water, just to have live plants in other places of the home where we do not have as much light. Much to my surprise, even the cuttings had started to blossom.

I have since shared cuttings with another neighbor. The lipstick plant is  becoming the "Official Houseplant of the Neighborhood."

It's botanical name is: Aeschynanthus Radicans 

Please do check out my other posts here: Resolutions.

Thank you!

Friday, March 25, 2022

A Bouquet of Sunshine

Flowers arrived for me today, a gift from the family. So beautiful - Receiving this bouquet really made my day.

Included with the flowers are three budding apple tree branches.

The assortment of yellow and white flowers bring a lot
of sunshine into our home on this gray day in March.

Thank you, J, S, C, and L for thinking of me today!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Maple Sugaring Time

It's maple sugaring season in Vermont. We took a drive to one of the local sugarhouses where sap is being collected from the trees and boiled down to make maple syrup.

We could see the steam from the evaporators as we were getting near.

Traditionally, sap is collected from the maple trees in buckets, but producers now use miles of tubing from the trees to the sugarhouses.

Here is one of the evaporators boiling down the sap for syrup.

It's open house weekend, so pancakes are being served, with lots of syrup, of course.

And there are always products to buy to take home.


Vermont Maple Syrup is the best!

Please follow my newest blog Resolutions. Thank you!