
Friday, January 09, 2009

11 Super Foods

Geo emailed me a NY Times article about eleven nutritious foods that most of us aren't eating. The article named Nutritionist Jonny Bowden as the source.

Well, Geo, I actually am eating those eleven foods, or most of them - anyway. Although I haven't had sardines lately (health food in a can, according to Bowden), and I don't use turmeric too often.

So here they are:
Swiss chard,
Pomegranite juice,
Dried plums,
Pumpkin seeds,
Frozen blueberries, and,
Canned pumpkin.

So here's my challenge to Geo: How about having Super Nutritious Snacks for our Super Bowl Party! Sardines may go well with rye bread and onions. Wash it down with a little pomegranite juice?

Anyway, it may be fun to get creative with a few recipes using super food and seasonings.

We usually have chocolate, and more chocolate, during each quarter.

Beets and cabbage, anyone?