
Tuesday, March 23, 2010


     I've had a request to post a pic of our fur kid Lucy.
     Here she is in all her cuteness!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Ed Asner as FDR

Last night Geo and I saw Ed Asner in a one-person play about Franklin D. Roosevelt. We were in the front row. I felt like I was sitting in an easy chair eavesdropping on history.

There was a smooth interplay with “FDR” reminiscing about his days in the White House, and then enacting scenes as they were occurring in the Oval Office.

I needed to overcome a few distractions. Even with makeup, Ed Asner did not exactly look like FDR. And hobbling on two canes did not live up to my understanding of FDR being too paralyzed to support himself. Also, I was enthralled with seeing Ed Asner the actor up on stage right in front of me. It’s not often I see Hollywood stars in person.

For a few brief moments, however, I really felt like I was back in Roosevelt’s time and watching current events, not aware of the outcome. The outrage and sense of urgency at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor were especially powerful.

The last scene was poignant, and I will not reveal it here.

Now every time I think of FDR, I guess I will be picturing Ed Asner. He was that good.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Out with the Old, in with the New

"Bye-bye" to the tattered old blue sofa. We loved you so.
Today we have a new addition to the living room. Our deep red microfiber sofa arrived to replace the old one.
I was reminiscing about good times and family memories attached to the one we had purchased in ’87. Geo says, “yeah, and the kids used to jump on it.”
“What?!! When they were little, they weren’t even allowed to SIT on it! When were they jumping on the couch?”
I suddenly felt the fresh pangs of a Mom whose kids were disobedient. Okay, that was many years ago, and the “kids”are now well into their twenties.
A and J, if you did jump on the couch when I wasn’t around, I’ll forgive you for that.
Now the only one I have to worry about jumping on the new sofa is our fur kid Lucy. Grrrrrr!