
Sunday, December 21, 2014

2015 - If Not Now, Then When?

While looking through a favorite cookbook, I found one of my Mom’s recipes tucked between the pages, handwritten on the back of an envelope. She had liked that recipe enough to take the time to write it out and to share it.

I thought of the many recipes she had written and shared with me, many that I had never even tried.

Then I thought of the huge stack of cookbooks I’ve collected over the years, and that little wooden box stuffed with recipes written out on index cards, and all the recipes stored on my computer, and even ones I “pinned” on Pinterest. 

Week after week, month after month,  I tend to make the same things over and over – my stand-by entrees, desserts, and salads that the family seems to like, and that I can put together quite easily.

When will I ever get to all those stored-away recipes?  There must be a real treasure trove of culinary delights filed away! If not now, then when? 

So for my “50 in 52” for 2015. I hereby resolve to venture out into new cooking and baking territory. 

Between now and New Year’s I will come up with 50 – yes 50! – tempting recipes (one per week) I have not yet tried. An hour or two a week should be all it takes to discover new dishes, new flavors, new family favorites.

And I may even take the time to write out a few of those recipes by hand... and share with my daughters.

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