
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Morning

As we were going into church this morning, a man who was with his wife told me that she has Alzheimer’s. They sat in front of us. I noted how attentive he was to her.

Then I happened to look around and became aware of the variety of people who have come together this morning. There are young single couples who are sitting close together, and also married couples – some with babies and toddlers between them. There are older retired couples here, some people who are widowed, and a few men who are divorced. There are high schoolers and college students. There are some people here without their wives or without their husbands. 

I'm thinking this is quite a cross-section of people from all walks of life who come together each Sunday. Many are strangers to us, others are acquaintances or good friends. Some of these friends we have met here. What brings us together is faith in God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This is happening in churches across the world. This has happened and will continue to happen in generations across the centuries.

I find this quite amazing to think about... and to be grateful for being part of this family of faith.

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