
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

In the Puddle

Mom called the other nite. She had a great story. Seems she went grocery shopping with $26 in her purse. She had planned to stop at Wendy’s for a $1 shake on the way home. However, when she was at the check-out, she was disappointed to discover that her groceries came to just over $25, not enough money left over for that shake. She went to her car to load the groceries. She noticed that in front of her car was a puddle. Floating in the puddle was what looked like a dollar bill. Must be play money, she thought. She bent over to pick it up, but - sure enough - it was a real dollar bill. She looked across the parking lot and saw that there were no other puddles anywhere. The one puddle was directly in front of her car, and this was the puddle with the dollar bill. “It was a miracle,” she said. She now had enough cash to enjoy that shake before she returned home. I love this story because it tells me what a joyful woman of faith my mother is. Miracles can be found even in the nearest rain puddle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is very sweet Mom. Can I have grandma's address again so I can write to her? JK