
Saturday, May 23, 2009

You know you are a Real Composter when...

1) You roll out discarded tires from the garage out into your yard to stack for a compost pile - Who needs those fancy $$ compost bins!

2) You see grass clippings and think "Nitrogen!"

3) Raking leaves is not a chore, but a joy.

4) Seeing bundles of leaves in plastic bags for garbage pick-up brings a tear to your eye.

5) When your family sees you peeling veggies for dinner and asks, "What are you making?" and you reply, "Compost."

6) When your garbage disposal becomes obsolete.

7) When filling yet another kitchen container for the compost heap gives you that adrenaline rush.

8) That mushroomy earthy smell becomes the new "Obsession."

9) You find yourself stuffing leftover salad greens into your purse when dining out.

10) You actually hear your grateful plants say "Thank you" when you amend that soil.

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