I really like the Astilbe - so easy to grow. I have white, pink, and red blooming in the garden.
It spreads each year, so I dig some plants up and transplant them to another shady spot in the yard.
Not sure what this is, but it looks kind of neat.
Hosta blossoms. I hear a lot of people who like Hostas do not like the flowers. I think they are pretty and I like the way they spike high over the plant.
I love the color of this one.

Bulbs to grow the Elephant Ears need to be planted each year. They are fun to grow because they become very large. This photo was taken shortly after the rain.
I grow Monarda, also called Bee Balm, to attract the bees. Monarda also attracts the hummingbirds!
Last, but not least, one more of the lacy Astilbe.
Happy Gardening!