
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pearl of Great Price

The Gospel reading in church for this Sunday was about finding the “pearl of great price.” The deacon at Mass shared about the pearl being the Kingdom of God, and where we might go to find this Kingdom.

Perhaps we could find it in the Holy Land where Jesus lived, he said, or maybe in Rome where so many Catholics go on pilgrimage. Or maybe in India or in other places where dedicated people serve the poor. We’d certainly hope to find the Kingdom of God there. Where else might we go to find the God’s Kingdom here on earth?

The deacon went on to say that the Kingdom is really a whole lot closer than we may realize. The Kingdom of God is already among us. And Isn’t it just like our God to hide the Kingdom in plain sight? We can find the Kingdom exactly where we are, in our families, in our homes, in our daily lives.

How much are we willing to give for that “pearl” in all our relationships and endeavors? The merchant in the Gospel parable was willing to sell all. And by selling all he had, he ended up richer than he had been before.

I’ve heard this Gospel reading so many times before, but each time it calls me to pause and reflect on what it is I truly value, what I am willing to sacrifice for what I value, and how I can find and more fully enter into the Kingdom of God.

My meditation for the week.

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