
Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Future Has Just Begun

Nothing major happening.
I took off from work for our trip to visit Jim and Kay, but Geo’s work took priority, something we could not a vacation for us will need to happen at a future date.
I’ve been asked to mentor 3 new team leaders at work. Training is what I like best about my job.
Addie is pursuing her dream of graduate work in Great Britain. An expensive route, especially with the exchange rate, but if anyone can make it happen, it’s Addie. She reaches high and learns so much in the process. If, however, she ends up at grad school a little closer to home, that would be A-OK with us.
Jenn just became “van-certified” at her college. That means she can take her turn driving students to the homeless shelter for meal prep. She’s also acing her psych classes. She enjoyed Thailand so much. Would be neat for her to do grad work/service over there.
What did I hear this morning? “The future has just begun....,” meaning, take that step forward from where you are now.
Geo and I are looking at a Steubenville conference on Scripture this summer. I’ve been in need of a good conference to keep myself directed in the right way. All the better to share with Geo.
He and some of his guy friends are beginning a new exploration of the Book of Revelations. I pointed him toward Scott Hahn’s book for some background from the Catholic perspective.
Tonight we are invited to Mike and Carol’s for pinochle and dessert. Geo doesn’t play pinochle, but he really likes dessert. I’ve offered to teach him, and he says, “In time, not yet...” Geo, the future begins now!

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