In the process, we not only eat tasty food, we learn about different ingredients and methods of preparation.
This month's selection was the Eating Well dessert cookbook. Yes, we feasted on desserts!
Brandy Raisin Bread Pudding
with whipped cream
Orange Scones

Blueberry Coffee Cake Biscotti
For December we are selecting a Christmas cookbook, soups for January, and anything Chocolate! for February.
This program for the community is becoming one of our favorites at our library.
This month's selection was the Eating Well dessert cookbook. Yes, we feasted on desserts!
Raspberry Cheesecake Bars
Maple Glazed Apple Cider Donut Cake
Brandy Raisin Bread Pudding
with whipped cream
Gingersnap Baked Pears
Orange Scones
Lemon Pudding
Blueberry Coffee Cake Biscotti
For December we are selecting a Christmas cookbook, soups for January, and anything Chocolate! for February.
This program for the community is becoming one of our favorites at our library.
Update: In 2022, this program is still going strong!
Thank you!