
Saturday, December 21, 2013


This year I exchanged holiday gifts with complete strangers, part of reddit Secret Santa.

Daughter Jenna nudging me on once again, I signed up and became Secret Santa number 114,672 in what is now known as the world’s largest online gift exchange.

The matches are random. The” giftee” is known to the "gifter" only by a bio and maybe a “wish list” along with an address.

The real fun was studying the bio I received and trying to figure out the perfect gift(s) that I hoped would be appreciated. I even wrapped the gifts in her favorite colors. And this for someone I don’t even know!  

It truly was an experience of the joy of giving. Whatever I would receive from my Secret Santa, to me that just would be like an extra bonus. I wasn’t going to expect much.

So I shipped a carefully chosen, carefully wrapped Secret Santa present off to North Carolina, AND soon after, I received a gift sent from Pennsylvania. 

Wow, here’s what I received:

The newest novel from my favorite Vermont author and a Smithsonian travel book on Costa Rica!

I checked reddit to see if my giftee in North Carolina posted anything. She did. And she said she was "in awe" of her gift. In awe... I couldn't be more pleased.

What I entered into with some skepticism turned out to be a remarkable holiday experience. 

Merry Christmas, everyone. 

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

50 in 52 ~ Redo

As we are now in the final month of 2013, I’m beginning to look ahead to 2014. New year, new adventures.

I recall that a few years ago one of our daughters inspired me to list what I’d like to do or accomplish during the new year. So I decided to come up with 50 items on my checklist for the 52 weeks of the year. I actually found it challenging to come up with 50!

It’s time to come up with a new list for 2014.

What works for me is to keep the list, for the most part, simple and fun: picnic by the lake, plant a tree, discover a new author, dine by candlelight, do an anonymous good deed, etc. The list is limited only by one’s courage and imagination.

Well, Jenna, I’m taking up your challenge once again. It's 50 in 52 ~ Redo!.