Geo and I are spending a few days visiting our family in New Hampshire. Last night we heard a jazz performance in the Phillips Church of the Phillips
Exeter Academy.
The church itself is a gathering place for many religious traditions,
including Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Indaba, Catholic and other Christian denominations. There’s a huge pipe organ here I’d love to hear!
Very impressive are the stained glass windows in front and at
the back of the church.
Jazz this evening was a memorial concert in honor of Tommy Gallant, a local instructor and promoter of jazz in the area. His legacy lives on ~ even the Portsmouth Summer Jazz Festival is now named after him.
Guest performers were Tim Ray on the piano and Greg Hopkins on trumpet. They joined the Faculty Jazz Ensemble Charlie Jennison on sax, Mark Carlsen on bass, and Les Harris, Jr. on drums.
I note on the program that Greg Hopkins had played with the
drummer Louis Bellson. Louis Bellson had been a fave of mine since hearing him in Wisconsin many years ago.
This local performance was a nice intro to adventures in our neighboring state of New Hampshire.
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